Batman arkham knight campaign for disarmament
Batman arkham knight campaign for disarmament

batman arkham knight campaign for disarmament


Harley Quinn seizes Batman's base in the Panessa movie studio to rescue the Joker-ized patients. Recovering, Batman locates Oracle in Scarecrow's hideout, but when he arrives she is exposed to the fear toxin, and in terror she commits suicide. Batman interrogates Stagg and then confronts Scarecrow aboard Stagg's airship, and a dose of fear toxin allows the Joker to temporarily assume control of Batman's body while the Arkham Knight extracts the Cloudburst. Batman learns that Scarecrow recruited businessman Simon Stagg to build the "Cloudburst": a mass dispersal device for the fear toxin. After Batman escapes the exploding Ace Chemicals, he tells Gordon that his daughter has been captured. The Joker, now existing as a mental projection produced by the infected blood and fear toxin, frequently appears to taunt Batman, and manipulate his perception of the world around him. A flashback reveals that before the Joker died, his infected blood was used in blood transfusions, infecting five people including Batman Batman, concealing his infection from others, imprisoned the four other recipients who were physically and mentally transforming into the Joker.

batman arkham knight campaign for disarmament

Batman inhibits the bomb's blast radius before he is confronted by the Joker.

batman arkham knight campaign for disarmament

Scarecrow reveals that he has kidnapped Oracle, and exposes Batman to the toxin before escaping. Batman overcomes the forces and locates Scarecrow, who has transformed the entire building into a toxin bomb. Batman investigates the facility but encounters the Arkham Knight and his heavily-armed militia. Batman meets with Oracle, who identifies Ace Chemicals as the source of Scarecrow's toxin. Batman tracks Scarecrow to a hideout where he rescues the imprisoned Poison Ivy, who had refused to join Batman's other rogues in Scarecrow's plot. On Halloween, Scarecrow forces the civilian evacuation of Gotham City after threatening to unleash his potent new fear toxin.The synopsis below may give away important plot points.

Batman arkham knight campaign for disarmament